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Spirit Guide (Myth-Series Book 2) Page 13
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Page 13
“Yes,” I asked with eagerness.
“My genetics choose for me which one I’ll become. I can’t fix on, the fox form. When I switch over from my human body to an animal body, my genes choose which one. There are times I’m both. I don’t get to choose what parts though. It’s wack!”
“Wow, how do you deal? Will it affect our training? Have you and Nayla talked about this? When did you find out?” I babbled.
Cal poured our coffee into mugs handing me mine. She sat down next to me.
“Nayla isn’t worried. It shouldn’t affect my ability to protect myself. Each has its own, desirable traits.”
“Your mom is half fox, half wolf, though. She’s not one or the other when her body form chooses,” I speculated.
“You’re right. The clan isn’t sure how it happened.” She rolled her eyes while sipping her coffee.
A sputtering sound came from the front of the cabin. We heard a loud bang, and then a thud. I jumped up from my chair.
“Everything's fine. It’s just Minder,” Cal reassured me. “She’s out there working on her motorcycle. That’s the first thing she does when she gets home. Mike found one used. Cavin had Kaya pick it up for her.”
“We all need transportation. Mom talked about getting me a car. I guess it’s time.”
The door to the cabin opened. In popped Minder a bit dirty from tinkering with her bike.
“Hey, Cal, Nuria will be back soon. I see you have coffee. What about dinner? Have you eaten yet?” She glanced in my direction, then back at Cal.
“No, Starla’s here. I wanted to catch her up on what’s going on.”
“I see, do you have a way home tonight?” she asked me.
“I can call my mom. She’ll pick me up if you want,” I offered.
Minder put the wrench on the living room table, then brushed her hands off on her jeans. I watched her pull off the bandanna wiping the sweat from her face. She grinned.
“Cal, you and Starla can make some sandwiches. After we eat, I’ll take her back on my bike. She can wear the helmet you lent her. I’ll bring it back for you.”
“Sure, that’s fine. Will mom? Eva, joining us tonight?”
“She has a meeting to attend with Cavin. She’ll be by tomorrow,” replied Minder stomping off to the bathroom.
“Is she mad?” I asked.
“No. She always, stomps. It’s because of her wolf feet,” said Cal.
Chapter 28
A cold chill crept up my back. I shuddered. Cavin, Mike and I sat waiting for the others to arrive. Kaya had begun preparing a meal for us. It had taken longer to set up than we’d predicted.
“I’m not sure where to start. There’s a lot we need to get out of this trial. Not only do we want to find out if they killed Du-Vance, but also what do they know about the scientists? Starla would be adamant about that,” I suggested.
“I’m sure she would. First, we are going to begin questioning them about Du-Vance’s death. Where were they February 19th? Do they have any witnesses to their whereabouts? Cal and Nuria will play a significant part in this since, as far as we know, they were still with them at the time. We’ll need to figure out when, exactly, Minder took Cal away from the group,” said Cavin.
I heard a door shut and turned to see Shellena and Lance. They meandered up to the table.
“Have a seat. We’re discussing the trial, what’s going to happen during questioning. Kaya’s making us some food. I’d help, but...”
“You’re the head guru on this,” commented Shellena. She and Lance took their seats.
“Star and Eva should be here soon. I’d call Minder and Nuria, but Cal’s been busy with studies. I believe we should wait til Wednesday. Nayla will have to set up a time for training them and discussing the trial,” admitted Cavin.
“Where's Starla Araina, tonight?” asked Shellena.
“She worked. Then most likely went to Jenson’s I assume. If not maybe she and Molly went out, for a bite to eat,” I said.
Lance lifted an eyebrow. Shellena elbowed him.
“Ouch! What did you do that for?” he asked.
“You, acting as if you know what goes on in that girl’s mind, bro,” she replied.
He rolled his eyes at her. “Has anyone talked to old Sika lately. How’s he getting along?” inquired Lance.
“I’ve been taking them their meals. There has been no communication. They just growl, Gavin tries to escape, but cannot. As I said, they can no longer harm themselves due to the spells we placed on their confined quarters,” Cavin answered.
The door to the dining hall swung open. Star made her way to the table with a basket in her hands. She placed it on the slab. “Mango and I made some homemade rolls. She insisted on it. Is Rascal, coming?”
Cavin shook his head. “No, he had plans with Nuria later tonight. Right now he’s in a meeting with his tribe. Owl and Jenson are there with him. Dan, you’ll fill them in on this?”
“I will, besides what are we going to have Jenson do? I don’t have any recon for him right now on the scientist issue unless we get the bandits to crack,” I acknowledged.
Kaya stepped up to the table setting down a basin of soup. “True enough.” She glanced at the rolls. “Those will be perfect. You and Mango made them?” she asked Star.
“Yes, she was pleased to do so.”
Kaya smiled, then turned making her way back into the kitchen. Star pushed her chair aside and got up to help her.
After they had left Cavin cleared his throat. He was about to speak as Eva moseyed up to the table taking a seat. She’d arrived in human form. Her reddish brown hair done up in braids pinned to the back of her head.
“Thank you for joining us this evening,” he said to her. Then turned to face the rest of us. “Nayla is going to be at the trial. I don’t want to stop anyone from attending if they wish to be there. The kits will need someone to look after them. Thank goodness we only have three of them.It will be mandatory for those of you who were involved in the Thunder Head Bay mission to attend.
“That is a given,” Lance spoke up.
“Right. What is it you would like me to do during the trial. Should I go about my Ranger duties as usual? Who’s going to take over the park?” Mike asked.
“We, don’t know. Let’s get through the trial first,” suggested Star. She and Kaya set down empty bowls in front of us. Star took an open seat, and Kaya pulled out a chair by Cavin.
“Let’s give thanks, and then eat,” said Kaya.
We bowed our heads in silence and then lifted them. Cavin took his soup first. Then the rest of us served ourselves. The rolls were warm, buttery and sweet. I passed the basket along to Shellena next to me. We ate for a time in peace.
I looked up from my meal thinking I should tell them. I rolled back my shoulders, then stretched out my body. I needed to ease my tension. Why was I nervous? They would be happy Tri was willing to help out. I was pleased to announce this, wasn’t I? It was good news.
“Dan, is there something you want to say?” asked Mike giving me a strange look.
“I’m moving home.” My lower lip trembled. “It was unexpected. I didn’t plan on it being this soon. It will be good to be home,” I stuttered.
Cavins eyes widened in surprise. “It’s a start. Eva, you told me she’s planning to attend Starla’s next training session.”
A smile played upon Eva’s lips. “Yes, that’s right.”
“Dan, make sure Tri knows it’s this Wednesday. If we have to, we can work around her schedule. Do you know what time she gets off work?”
“It varies, I can give her a quick call if you want,” I added.
“No, it’s fine. Um, let me know. Things are tight. Nayla needs to contact Starla Araina.
“Eva, you’ll make sure Cal is in attendance. It’s imperative we have everyone here tomorrow. Especially Tri,” said Cavin, eyeing me.
I gave him a silent nod.
“Shellena and I could pay Starla
a visit later this evening. Is that OK? It’s been a while since we’ve seen the kid.”
I chuckled, “If you want to attempt it. Make sure you’re in proper form. Tri said the neighbors have been suspicious. The Crusaders would be incredibly upset if news got out of the clan.” “No problem,” said Lance.
I finished the rest of my soup. Afterward, wiping my face with a napkin. I picked up the last roll letting each morsel melt in my mouth. Oh, I hope no one minds, I thought.
“I’ll have to tell Mango her rolls were a hit!” said Star. She clapped her hands together, got up from her seat, and started taking care of the dishes.
“Let me do that,” offered Cavin. “I want everyone else here to stay seated. Make a list of questions you’d like answered at the trial. I’ll go over them tonight. Dan, and Mike, would you mind helping me with dish duty?”
“Sure, why not,” I answered standing up. We grabbed some of the bowls off the table. Cavin took the large basin with the ladle.
“I’ll call Rascal tonight, update him on all this as you asked. Then Jenson, and Owl. That is, unless I can meet with them all at once,” I commented.
“I’m grateful, you and Mike showed up today. There is an awful lot to arrange for this. Nayla has been focusing all her energy on Cal and Starla. I suppose, she’s also trying to figure out why Starla encountered that black wolf.”
“She told you?” I asked.
“Yes. It has to be, related to a Native American tribe. A legend, another Myth, or a spirit animal. Thus, when the trial is going on if it isn’t linked it could bring more chaos,” Cavin admitted.
Mike and I got up from our seats to help Cavin gather the plates.
“Let’s hope we’re wrong,” I said, grabbing the last dish.
Cavin held the kitchen door open. We stepped inside to begin dish-duty.
Chapter 29
I held on tight to Minder as we headed back to the apartment. Music blared out of the small speakers. Hip hop? Was it Missy Elliot? No, couldn’t be. I ignored the music and concentrated. I wasn’t supposed to meditate, but I wasn’t going anywhere. I might as well space out til I got home. There was no way I could talk to Minder over the noise her cycle was making. I closed my eyes clearing my mind and thought of nothing. It almost lulled me to sleep when we came to a screeching halt. My eyes popped open. Whoa, I tightened my grip on the bike so I wouldn't fall. Lance and Shellena pulled up beside us on their motorcycles.
“Is there someplace we can talk?” asked Shellena.
Minder scanned the intersection for restaurants and coffee joints. I gave a little wave and said nothing.
“Um, yeah, there’s a diner across the street. Sunshine Cafe, I think? We’ll meet ya there. I have to get Starla home. Make it quick,” she added. They nodded and off we went speeding towards the diner. Again, I held on to Minder so, I wouldn’t fall off the bike. A nagging feeling came over me. An ache in the pit of my stomach. We’d just eaten recently. I couldn’t be hungry. I glanced behind us, nothing. Then looked to my side, just a bunch of old buildings. I turned to my right. A black wolf ran beside us. I felt the color drain from my face. It smiled at me. His tongue hung out of his mouth as if he had been laughing. He stopped and held up a paw. Okay, what was he trying to tell me? Before I could say anything to Minder, a car passed through him. He faded into mist.
“Starla, we’re here. Take off your helmet,” said Minder. I hadn’t even noticed we’d stopped. I paused for a second.
“Sorry, I thought... I saw something.” I took off my helmet handing it to Minder.
“We already ate. Do you want to go in?” She addressed them.
“I bet Starla would love coffee,” Shellena suggested.
“I suppose just a cup. Do you mind?” I asked.
Minder gave a sigh. “I guess one cup won’t hurt. Don’t you have class or something tomorrow?”
I shrugged.
“Kiddo, you, have a meeting with Nayla. The trial is in the works!” shouted Shellena gesturing with her arms. She kicked down the stand of her bike. Then proceeded to the diner door. “Come on, I’ll buy everyone coffee,” she added. Lance winked at us.
Minder and I followed them inside. I hoped no one would freak out over their appearance. The jeans and T-shirt didn’t hide their wolf selves. If it were me, I’d be freezing. I didn’t have fur, though. Then again, they had the ability to manipulate people. Which meant they could just charm them? Make them believe they were human? I speculated as we shuffled into a nearby booth. I played with the napkin beside me. I was supposed to call Jenson. Had I been neglecting him?
“Starla, is something bothering you?” asked Shellena.
“Um, can they see you as wolf-vamps,” I whispered, pointing to the staff and customers.
“No, we reflect ourselves as humans. Do you want to see?” Shellena asked.
“Um, No. Is that why Megan wasn’t afraid of Minder the other day?”
“Guilty, but not all of us have this ability. Sika, Gavin, and Gladiator. They can’t mix,” Minder informed me.
“Something else seems to be bothering you, though? Not just us, what is it?” asked Shellena.
“Oh, thinking about Jenson. That’s all. And...”
“And,” said Lance.
“The last time I was with Nayla I saw a black wolf. Then again earlier,” I admitted.
“When?” asked Minder.
“At the last training session. I don’t want to rehash the story. Anyway, it followed us tonight after you'd suggested we meet. It held up its paw. Maybe it was trying to signal me for some reason. I’ve done some recon on it,” I said.
“Recon?” asked Minder.
“Yeah, research the internet. Obviously,” I answered.
“No need to get huffy about it,” Lance remarked.
A tall brown haired young woman walked up to our table, holding a pen with a notepad in her hand.
“I’m Susan. I’ll be your waitress. Can I get you guys anything tonight? I can tell you our specials.”
“No, just a round of coffee for everyone, cream, and sugar. Put it on one bill. I’ve got it,” said Shellena.
I checked my watch. Still pretty early. Mom wouldn’t start to worry til nine. The waitress came back to our table. She sat down a handful of creamer, along with an assortment of sweeteners. Then placed four mugs in front of us filling them with coffee.
“That was fast,” I noted.
“Ain’t nothing to pouring coffee kid,” she commented, walking away.
I grabbed a handful of creamers, opened them, and stirred them into my coffee. Shellena nudged me insistently with her arm. Then pushed the sugar over to me.
“So is that the only reason you dragged me in here, caffeine and Nayla?” I asked.
“This trial is going to be wicked. I’m sure you can handle it, though. I know Nayla will question you about what occurred, at Thunderhead Bay. Of course, Cal will be asked to describe her time there. She’s given us fragments. We only know what you’ve both shared with us so far,” Lance answered.
My eyes lit up with rage.”Are you trying to intimidate me, scare me? I’m going to do my best to handle myself and not bash in those evil creatures. They took my best friend. Now she’s trying to play catch up with everything and everyone. She’s doing better, but it isn’t how it should have been. Not for myself either. If they didn’t exist, I would have never been...” I ran my hands through my greasy hair.
“We want you, to be prepared. It’s why you and Cal will continue training with Nayla. Afterward, we’ll all meet up with Cavin. Your dad and Mike met with him today. We set up the dining hall for the trial. It’s Friday,” Shellena stated.
“Yeah, Nayla told me. She wasn’t specific about when she wanted to meet. Should Molly come? Will Owl be there? Jenson?”
“Everyone involved in Cal’s rescue will be there, this affects us all,” she scolded.
I put my hands around my coffee cup and took sips. Minder slouched
against the back of the booth.
“What about the wolf? Do you know what it means?” asked Lance.
“Not yet, I’m hoping it will give us answers. So far we've figured out it has something to do with strength, loyalty, and trust. It could be clan related. I may lack trust with someone or myself in my life. No one comes to mind at the moment. Can we change the subject?” I asked, turning my head to see Rascal pushing open the diner door. He glanced our way. I waved him over.
“Hey, fancy meeting ya all here. What are you doing?”
Lance moved over making room for him in the booth. He sat down, took off his hat, and placed it on the table.
“Lance and Shellena, pulled us over,” I joked.
“What was your offense?”
“Failure to meet with the clan,” Lance smirked.
Rascal chuckled. “Owl and Jenson helped me set up some displays today for the next pow-wow. Are you interested in going?” he asked me.
“Depends on when it is. The trials Friday. That’s the real reason they stopped us,” I said, pointing to Lance and Shellena. “Minder was taking me home on her bike. Cavin wants us all there. Are you going?”
“Am I going? Of course, no doubt about it. I’m hoping to grill the dang blasted things!”
“You don’t have to worry, Lance here has it all under control. Cavin told him, he can’t smash the dining hall, though,” blurted Shellena.
Susan trotted back over to where we sat.
“More coffee? Do you want some sir,” she asked Rascal.
“Yes, coffee’s good. I assume we’ll all take another round?” He nodded to the lot of us.
“Yes. Caffeine good,” I joked, then grinned.
Lance, fist bumped me continuing down the line with the others.
“So tomorrow we need to be there, what time?” asked Minder.
Lance hit his head with his opened palm. “Geez, Cavin never mentioned when. Now I feel like one of Sika’s dumb sidekicks.”